Social Media

My Highly Effective, Non-Existent Pinterest Strategy

My Highly Effective, Non-Existent Pinterest Strategy

Pinterest is one of my top website referrals.

With nearly 1 million monthly viewers, 30,000+ followers, and 100,000+ website visits from Pinterest each year, you might be surprised that I don’t put any effort into the platform.

You might also be surprised to learn that my Pinterest strategy doesn’t even involve Pinterest.

So how do I reap the benefits of Pinterest without putting in the work? Better yet, how can you reap the benefits of Pinterest without putting in the work?

Here’s my secret.

50 Engaging Instagram Post Ideas for Online Businesses

50 Engaging Instagram Post Ideas for Online Businesses

While pretty photos and curated feeds are helpful for catching the eye of potential customers, great content is the key to generating engagement and reaching a larger audience on Instagram.

But coming up with high-quality posts on a regular basis is no easy task.

So I rounded up 50 engaging ideas for your Instagram feed (along with examples) that will benefit your followers, drive traffic to your website, and keep people interested in your online business.

Are Super Styled Social Media Accounts a Thing of the Past?

Are Super Styled Social Media Accounts a Thing of the Past?

As creative entrepreneurs, we understand the importance of visuals on making a great first impression on potential clients and customers.

So naturally, we tend to put a lot of emphasis on curating our social media feeds and making sure all of our photos look styled, branded, and professional.

But social media is changing.

It isn’t enough to have a beautiful feed anymore. Your potential clients and customers (and apps like Instagram and Facebook, themselves) are becoming less interested in pretty photos and more interested in one specific thing.

What is it and how can you implement it? Keep reading.

15 Clever Ways to Use Instagram Stories to Promote Your Business

15 Clever Ways to Use Instagram Stories to Promote Your Business

I don't know about you, but when Instagram stories launched several months ago, I was both excited and overwhelmed.

I was excited at the idea of a new way to connect with my followers. 

But overwhelmed by the though of having to create more content on top of regular Instagram posts, Facebook, Twitter, blog posts, and all the other content that I create week after week for Elle & Company.

So I kind of sat on it and put it off until I could put my own unique spin on it, until I could figure out how I could really use Instagram stories to benefit my business, and how I could use Instagram stories realistically. I didn't want to start off with a bang, with all these bright ideas and then not have the time to actually follow through with them all.     

I sat on it for a while and then started coming up with a list of clever content ideas.

So today I'm going to share 15 clever content ideas to use Instgaram stories to promote your business.

Put Pinterest on Auto Pilot with this Nifty Tool

Put Pinterest on Auto Pilot with this Nifty Tool

Pinterest has been one of the most helpful free marketing tools for driving traffic to the Elle & Company website.

In fact, 20% of my overall blog traffic and 78% of my overall social media traffic to my blog comes directly from Pinterest. 

Not only is Pinterest visual (which is especially helpful for creative business owners), but pins have a longer lifespan than other social media posts like tweets and Facebook shares. An image that was pinned months ago will continue to show up in other people’s feeds for months and drive traffic to your website.

But as with any social media platform, it takes time to keep up with Pinterest. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time in my busy work week to devote hours and hours to pinning.

This is problematic because we know a few things about Pinterest:

  1. Pinterest works in your favor when you pin a lot
  2. Pinterest likes it when you post other people’s content, not just your own
  3. You’ll see more consistent traffic if you pin over a period of time instead of all at once with weeks in between

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