Morning Routine, Simplified

I would love to tell you that I'm a morning person, but I would be lying. Ask my husband and he will be glad to tell you - I am just about the hardest person to get out of bed. I'm yawning just thinking about it. But I've noticed that my day is much more productive and successful when it starts off on the right foot.

A morning routine is crucial for me; it's my motivation for getting out of bed and kickstarting my day. Today I'm sharing tips that I've received for a simplified morning routine with the hope that they will be helpful for you and not because I'm an expert. I am constantly learning what it means to simplify and streamline. 

I'm guilty of changing my outfit multiple times each morning. I'm also guilty of waiting until the last minute to pack my lunch and straighten up the house. But if I take care of these things the night before, my morning is much more relaxed and much less rushed. A little preparation goes a long way.

You and I both know that there are numerous benefits to getting 7 to 8 hours of rest each night. When it's tempting to watch one more episode (or five) of Parks and Recreation, I have to remind myself: more sleep means a better mood, more productivity, and better focus the next day. It's so very tempting to sleep in and skip my morning routine when I've gone to bed late the night before.


The best part of waking up is Folgers in my cup. The smell of French Roast and the sound of coffee brewing makes it hard not to get out of bed in the morning. Programming the coffee maker the night before gives me more motivation to get up (and the caffeine boost isn't so bad either).

I'm sounding more and more like my mom, but making the bed helps me mark an official start to my day. It motivates me to keep the rest of our bedroom clean and it helps me develop discipline in the remainder of my morning routine. It also feels so good to crawl into a nicely made bed at night, doesn't it?


This is by far the most important part of my day. I want God to be glorified with my life and that starts by meeting with Him each morning. He speaks to me through His word and I speak to Him through prayer. Although I love having coffee dates with friends, my morning quiet time is by far my most encouraging coffee date. 

Designate a practical, organized space for all of the items you need before leaving your house. My coat, keys, umbrella, and bag are all in one place right by the front door, and it always saves me the extra time that would normally be spent trying to track them down. 

I have a hard time beginning a new routine, but once things get rolling and I start to see the benefits, those once-dreaded tasks become contagious and habitual. The more I put these tips & tricks into practice, the more I enjoy getting up each morning. And for this girl, that's saying a lot!

Ultimately, your morning routine is personal to you. Yours may not look just like mine, but my hope is that one or all of these 7 tips will help you simplify the start of each day.

Now it's your turn! What tips & tricks have helped you streamline and simplify your morning routine?