Weekly Truth

Weekly Truth

Each week I design a new iPhone background with a different verse and share it on the blog. Seeing Scripture several times throughout my day reminds me of truth, strengthens my faith, and helps me me memorize God's Word so I can accurately share it with others. Feel free to download, pin, and share these backgrounds as many times as you would like!

A new (free!) verse background each week from Elle & Company

"Dearly beloved, I urge you" 

I love how Peter addresses the Gentiles he's writing to. Beloved. He's urging Christians to keep themselves from the things that are hurtful to them because he loves them. He cares for them and he wants their good.

"as sojourners and exiles"

I highlighted these words in this week's background because this truth is so important: This world is not our home. The more I reflect on these words, the better picture I see of a traveler passing through. As a sojourners on this earth, our efforts shouldn't be to acquire permanent possessions here, as if we're remaining here, but we should be steadily preparing for our final destination.

I love how one commentator wrote, "A traveler takes along as few things as possible; a staff is often all that a pilgrim has. We make the most rapid progress in our journey to our final home when we are least encumbered with the things of this world."

"to abstain from the passions of the flesh"

In order to have an impact on this world that we're simply passing through, we must keep ourselves from the lust, lies, slander, deceit, hate, and jealousy that we're so often drawn to (Galatians 5:19-21). These "passions of the flesh" are personified as if they were an army of rebels or enemies that are constantly seeking to destroy our joy, peace, and usefulness. They're harmful and destructive, and although they may seem satisfying in the moment, they're never beneficial. 

My prayer is that this verse would remind us of our citizenship in heaven and help us guard our hearts from those harmful desires that seek to destroy us. I hope that your heart is encouraged by the One who lived a perfect life in the midst of this foreign, hostile world. 

And for those of you who would rather have a little reminder on your computer monitor, your mirror, or your fridge, I've added some verse cards to the Elle & Company Library this week:

I'll continue to add them each week as I post new Weekly Truth backgrounds. As with all of the other design files in the Library, print them as many times as you like and share them with friends. Click here to log in or click here to subscribe to the Library today!

Weekly Truth

The perfectionist in me has always been drawn to self-help books, fitness magazines, and how-to blogs. Something about fresh starts and transformation has this way of catching my attention and drawing me in. But after years of following worldly guidelines to a T, I've never been satisfied. This week's verse reveals why I always come up empty.

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another." 2 Corinthians 3:18

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord"

In the Old Testament, Moses was only able to see the glory of God pass by (Exodus 33). He was not able to see His full glory, and had he seen the face of the Lord he would have died. One of the many beautiful things about living on this side of the cross is that Christians can interact with God face to face.

"are being transformed into the same image, from one degree of glory to another"

It blows my mind that God is continuously transforming all believers into the image of Christ. It isn't a one time transformation at salvation, but an ongoing transformation. It doesn't come from a self-help book or tips in SELF magazine; it comes from knowing Jesus and beholding His glory.

And that's the kind of transformation I want to desire. Not a temporary fix or fleeting happiness, but an ongoing refinement that has me looking more and more like my Savior. 

Recent Backgrounds

Each week I design a new iPhone background with a different verse and share it on the blog. Seeing Scripture several times throughout my day reminds me of truth, strengthens my faith, and helps me me memorize God's Word so I can accurately share it with others. Feel free to download, pin, and share these backgrounds as many times as you would like!

Weekly Truth

Brace yourself for what my best friend Jenny calls some "good conviction." This week's verse is easier to gloss over than dig into, because if we let it sink in, it's going to require us to change. 

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24

"Whatever you do, work heartily"

I've found it easy to strive hard in some areas of life and not so hard in others. I'll work several hours perfecting every detail on a design project for a client, but that laundry? Oh, it can wait until tomorrow. Tasks that I enjoy are often easier to complete than not-so-awesome chores like cleaning the house or studying for a test. But this verse doesn't read, "whatever you want to do." Instead it tells us to work heartily in all that we do, whether the task is a pain or a joy.

"as for the Lord, and not for men"

Because the truth is that we aren't working to please our bosses or ourselves; we're working hard to reflect the patience, perseverance, and faithfulness of the One who provides for us. Even though it may get stressful and frustrating at times, work is a blessing from the Lord in and of itself. We should purpose each day to glorify God in all that we do; our efforts should be motivated by a respect and love for Him. 

"knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward."

While we might be working for wages, our families, or even a clean house, those rewards pale in comparison to salvation. No, we can't earn our way into heaven by our works, but we can reflect our gratitude for His atoning sacrifice by working hard in all we do. 

"You are serving the Lord Christ."

What a blessing it is to serve the One who gave His life for us! 

Whether you're sitting in a cubicle, chasing little ones around, or waiting tables this week, I hope this pretty little background motivates you to go above and beyond in all that you do.

Recent Backgrounds

Weekly Truth

We have some beautiful sunsets here in North Carolina. The sun burns a rich red, deep blues fade into orange, and soft whispy clouds dyed shades of pink and purple stretch out across the sky. It's almost as if the sun is putting on a grand finale before the curtain closes on another day. And each time I see new one, I'm reminded of just how small I am. 

It's pretty wild to think that the One who has created each and every sunset from the beginning of time is mindful of me. And it's even more incredible to know why. 

He isn't mindful of me because of my good works, my love of others, or because I'm mindful of Him. My good works can never earn his affection, any love that I'm able to give originated with Him in the first place, and if I'm honest, I'm more mindful of myself than I am of God. So why would He choose to remember me, pursue me, and care for me? Because His Son paid a large cost for me. 

I hope that's an encouragement to you this week as you see this verse (or a gorgeous sunset) and think about the One whose hands fashioned it. 

"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8:3-4

Recent Backgrounds

Each Tuesday I design a new iPhone background with a different verse and share it on the blog. Seeing Scripture several times throughout my day reminds me of truth, strengthens my faith, and helps me me memorize God's Word so I can accurately share it with others. Feel free to download, pin, and share these backgrounds as many times as you would like!

Weekly Truth

"Each Tuesday I design a new iPhone background with a different verse and share it on the blog. Seeing scripture several times throughout my day is always an encouragement to me - it reminds me of truth and helps me memorize new verses."

My description of Weekly Truth needs a revision. Not because it's wrong - these backgrounds are always an encouragement - but it's lacking the very important truth that this week's verse highlights. "Faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17

Faith comes through hearing God's word. How are people to believe in Christ if they have never heard about Him? They can't. If others are going to come to know the same saving faith we've experienced, they have to hear the word of the One who initiates it.

This means that the gospel has to be preached, taught, and shared. And in order for us to share it, we must know it well. That's why these weekly phone backgrounds are helpful, not just to brighten our day and remind us of truth, but to help us memorize it so that it can be shared. 

We have an amazing opportunity to help initiate and strengthen faith in others through Scripture. Let's find joy in memorizing God's Word so that others will hear and believe.

Instructions for setting your iPhone wallpaper: Once you've clicked the button above, hold your finger down on the image and save it to your photos by selecting Save Image. In your Settings app, go to Wallpapers & Brightness  >  Choose a New Wallpaper  > Camera Roll and select the image. You can set it as your lock screen, home screen, or both. 

Recent Backgrounds

Each Tuesday I design a new iPhone background with a different verse and share it on the blog. Seeing Scripture several times throughout my day reminds me of truth, strengthens my faith, and helps me me memorize God's Word so I can accurately share it with others. Feel free to download, pin, and share these backgrounds as many times as you would like!