
5 Surprising Stats About Your Business’s Visuals

5 Surprising Stats About Your Business’s Visuals

How would your life be different if you were able to generate more sales? 

Would you be able to quit your day job? 
Spend more time with your kids? 
Take that vacation that's been taking up space on your bucket list?

The key to making sales is trust, and building trust with your potential customers starts with making a killer first impression through visuals.

Your promotional photos, graphics, and videos should not only look amazing; they need to be intentionally designed using strategies that are proven to increase sales. 

If the potential to build trust with your audience, create a killer first impression, and make more sales isn’t enough to convince you to step up your business’s visuals, the following stats might. 

The Ins and Outs of Designing a One-of-a-Kind Logo

The Ins and Outs of Designing a One-of-a-Kind Logo

What makes a great logo?

It’s not enough that a logo looks visually pleasing or stands out among the competition; it’s most important that it appeals to potential clients and customers.

But if you’re starting from scratch, it can be difficult to know where to start. 

There’s definitely creativity and a basic design knowledge involved in creating a one-of-a-kind logo, but there’s also a system behind it all. 

Creating a Brand That Isn’t Easily Forgotten

Creating a Brand That Isn’t Easily Forgotten

It takes an average of 5-7 brand impressions before someone will remember your brand.

Which means that people have to come into contact with your brand through website views, social media posts, or third-party mentions an average of 5-7 times before they can recall your business from memory.

I don’t know about you, but I would rather someone remember my brand during the first or second point of contact. 5-7 seems like a lot.

But in today’s day in age - where all brands seem to run together and look the same - it seems to be getting even harder to stand out from the crowd and create a brand that potential clients and customers will remember. 

There’s so much competition. 

So how do you stand out? How do you catch people’s attention and increase the likelihood that they will remember your brand?

The answer lies in consistent, one-of-a-kind visuals.