21 High Quality Blog Post Ideas for Product-Based Businesses

In order for people to buy from you, they have to trust you.

And one of the best ways to build trust among potential customers is through blogging. 

Blogging allows you to share your expertise, highlight testimonials and success stories, give insight into your process, answer commonly asked questions, and more

But one of the biggest blogging hangups for business owners - especially those who run product-based businesses - is figuring out what to write about and coming up with high-quality blog post ideas.

Can you relate? 

If so, I’ve got you covered. 

21 High Quality Blog Post Ideas for Product-Based Businesses | Elle & Company

1 | Share a success story of someone who’s used your product

Has a past customer had positive results after purchasing your product? Highlight them on your blog and tell their story. Potential customers have to trust you before they buy from you, so these real-life testimonials will provide proof that your product delivers on what you’ve promised.

2 | Share a behind-the-scenes look at how you create your product

What does your creation process look like? People love reading how things are made, especially if the process is unfamiliar to them. Sharing the steps of your process will not only educate potential customers on how your products are made, but all of these details might also validate your prices.

3 | Or, if your process is a little more involved, share a series on your process

There’s often more to your process than simply how you create your products. How do you package and ship your products? How do you handle returns? Covering these topics in a blog post will educate your audience, build trust, and can also be linked to on your FAQ page. 

4 | Round up inspiration on how your product can be used (or has been used)

Social media makes this idea especially easy nowadays. Consider creating a hashtag for your products that customers can use when they include your product in their posts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Then round up 10+ customer posts and share them on your blog. Not only is this a great way to highlight your customers, but it also builds trust with potential customers when they see how many other people use and enjoy your products.

5 | Share the story of how you got started

What made you want to start offering this product in the first place? Share your startup story. Blog posts like these allow potential customers to connect with you on a little deeper level, understand your why, and hopefully feel more motivated to buy as a result.

6 | Share a prototype or sneak peek of a new product

Do you have something new in the works? Pique the interest of your customers and keep them in suspense by sharing a sneak peek! You might share several close-up photos, a blueprint, or even the results of what the new product does. 

7 | Share an answer to a frequently asked question

Are there certain questions that you always seem to be answering for potential customers? Those often make the best blog posts. Writing 1200+ words to answer a question will force you to answer it in-depth, and you can point people to the blog post each time the question is asked (or beat them to the punch and link to it on your FAQ page). 

8 | Create and share a free resource that’s related to your product

What freebie can you create to spark interest in your product? For example, if you sell clothing, you could design an essential wardrobe guide that includes some of your items. Once you’ve created your free resource, write a blog post around that topic, add an opt-in for your freebie a couple times in the post, and capture their email address in return for the freebie. Posts like these are helpful for not only building your list and following up with potential clients, but posts that include freebies are often shared and pinned because people love free stuff. You could even take this one step further by setting up a sequence in your email marketing platform that acts as a sales funnel. 

9 | Share a “through the years” post on how your product has evolved

Have you been offering this product for awhile? If so, you’ve probably made some updates to it throughout the years. People love seeing progress and transformations, so roundup photos of your product from years past and share them in a blog post. 

10 | Share a comparison of your product versus a similar product in your industry

Are there several products like yours out there? Instead of trying to avoid comparison between your product and others in your industry, embrace it! Put your product side-by-side with one of your competitors and highlight the differences. 

11 | Share a funny story

If you’ve been in business for longer than a month, you probably have a funny story (or five) to share with people (and people love a good story). Round up your funniest order requests, write about a production mishap, or share another humorous occurrence that’s taken place in your shop. People will remember these stories and begin to connect with you on a more personal level. 

12 | Share a “meet the team” post with fun employee profiles

Do you have multiple members on your team? Have them fill out a questionnaire with both insightful and random/humorous questions, and share their answers on your blog along with a photo. When potential customers are able to see the faces behind the products, your business will appear more personable and friendly. 

13 | Roundup businesses who have “sister products” and share them with your audience

Are there any products out there that compliment your own offerings? Round them up and share them in a blog post. If you have a shop that sells dish towels, for example, you might roundup recipe cards, wooden spoons, and a kitchen print with coordinating colors and styles to show how your product can be paired with them to create a thoughtful housewarming gift. Posts like these are especially helpful around holidays and new seasons. 

14 | Share a business blunder (and how you fixed it)

Have you made a mistake in your business that you’ve since corrected? While it might be a little humbling to share, stories of overcoming and triumphing over difficult circumstances can inspire others. Use wisdom in deciding which blunders to share and which ones might be best to keep to yourself. But these stories can often be memorable, relatable, and more personable among potential customers.

15 | Create a “best of” post on related products

What categories do your products fall under? Consider other products that fall into those categories and round them up together in a “best of” post. For example, if you have a stationery shop, you might create a post on “31 Thoughtful Bridal Shower GIfts” and include your custom stationery set, thank you cards, etc.

16 | Share a step-by-step tutorial of how to use your product

Knowing how to use your product might be pretty straight-forward for you, but you would be surprised at how little people might know about it. So share a blog post about how to use it (or even best uses). Even if you have a print shop, you could write a blog post on how to frame your prints or how to create a gallery wall that includes your prints. Get creative! You could even take a humorous approach and write a post on how not to use your product. 

17 | Share interesting facts about your product

Surely I’m not the only person out there who loves fun facts (and sharing them with others). Interesting facts not only educate potential customers, but they help them remember your products. Posts like this are also shared more often, especially if your facts are really surprising. 

18 | Debunk some common myths about your product/industry

Are there some stereotypes or myths out there about your product or your industry? Set the record straight by writing a blog post on the topic. Be sure to include results, stats, or data to back up your perspective and make your argument even more convincing.

19 | Share customer and staff picks

What are the most popular products among your customers? Which of your products are the most popular among your staff? Round them up and place a testimonial or two with each one (along with a buy button or a link back to the product’s listing in your shop).

20 | Start an “honest blog series” and answer questions you receive each month

Many times blogging can feel like a one-way conversation. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Open up the dialogue and allow potential customers to ask you questions. Then, once a month, share honest, transparent answers to their questions on the blog.

21 | Highlight the charities and causes that your business helps support

Does your business partner with any charities, ministries, or non-profits? Feature them on your blog. You could share the story of how they got started, interview someone on staff, or even highlight the stories of people they’ve helped. Blog posts like these can help raise awareness about the mission of these organizations and often help potential customers find commonalities with you.

Which of these ideas are you going to implement first? Are there any ideas you want to add to this list?