
Ellechat Recap: 3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Brand Photos with Brit Chandler

Ellechat Recap: 3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Brand Photos with Brit Chandler

Let me let you in on a little branding secret.

You can spend tons of time designing a beautiful logo.
You can choose the best color palette, fonts and patterns.
You can even pull out all the stops creating an eye-catching website.

But if your photos are amateur and inconsistent, every collateral item and page of your website will fall short. 

The same is true for your blog posts, promotional items and social media accounts.

Great photos not only elevate a brand, but they make it appear professional and build recognition with your audience. 

New Brand + Website Design for Full Circle Photo Project

New Brand + Website Design for Full Circle Photo Project

If I had to choose one thing I love most about designing brands and websites, I don’t know if I would be able to do it.

  • But I do know that somewhere near the top of the list of favorites would be differentiating each individual brand.

    It’s a fun creative challenge to make each client’s brand completely distinct and unique.

    And it helps when the mission behind the brand is unique and special all on its own.

How to Create a Distinct Color Palette for Your Brand

How to Create a Distinct Color Palette for Your Brand

Color is one of the most noticeable, tangible components of a brand. 

It plays a large role in how a brand is perceived, it helps with recognizability and memorability, and it has the potential to attract the right kind of customers, clients and blog readers.

But coming up with a color palette is often a challenge for many creative entrepreneurs when they’re developing their brand. They don’t know which colors to choose, how many colors they need to include, how to use the colors together, and how to make their color palette distinct from others in their industry. 

Do these struggles sound familiar? If so, I have some great news for you. 

Coming up with a distinct color palette doesn’t require any special skills. 

All you need is a basic understanding of color psychology, a little creativity, and these 4 steps!

The Ultimate Icon Dictionary for Creative Entrepreneurs

The Ultimate Icon Dictionary for Creative Entrepreneurs

Icons are a great way to convey a message quickly and add character to a brand. 

They reinforce ideas, they’re more attention-grabbing and engaging, and they can help you differentiate your business from others in your industry.

Between our recent site updates and the Ellechat on custom icons a month or two ago, icons have been a popular subject around here. But I’ve seen that most people have trouble coming up with icon ideas and creating them.

So I considered the terms that are used most often by creative entrepreneurs and created an icon set for you. 

How to Create Custom Icons for Your Brand

How to Create Custom Icons for Your Brand

Developing a memorable brand is all in the details. Which is why something so seemingly simple, like a custom icon set, can have such a large impact on your brand and website.

So in last Thursday's free Ellechat webinar, I spent an hour walking live attendees through the ins and outs of creating a professional, cohesive set of icons for their business.